In this category, you will find bookbinding materials that have been discontinued, have been rejected due to colour inconsistency with the patterns, or are materials that have never entered our range for various reasons. From time to time, capitals, ribbons, elastics and covering materials will be added here. I hope that this will also be a good place for customers who need smaller quantities than we normally offer.
Sale in stock
We offer veneers of II grade , with minor damages at an attractive price . A great opportunity to test our veneers !
The purchase applies to the entire metre package, without the possibility of buying smaller/larger quantities of a given veneer. Due to the one-off nature of this offer, the price is heavily discounted.
Buying 1 piece you get :
8681 KŁACZEK- 2.8 mb , 100 cm wide . Creases in several places
8207 LEN- 0.7 mb , 140 cm wide. Creases in several places
8207 LEN - 0.5 mb , 140 cm wide. Creases in several places
8143 ISKRA - 3.5 mb , 140 cm wide. Creases , Soiling in several places
8211 LEN - 4 mb , 137 cm wide . Creases , Soiling in several places
8207 LEN - 6.5 mb , 140 cm wide. Creases , lower weight
8207 LEN - 1 mb , 140 cm wide . Creases , lower weight
8003 ŻAGIEL - 0.7 mb , 140 cm wide. Creases , Soiling in several places
Goods are not returnable/exchangeable.
Availability: running out
Dispatched within: 3-5 dni
Satin ribbons - sale
Sale ribbons grade II . The price is for 1 roll . These are unique pieces , no possibility to buy another roll in the same colour.
Satin binding ribbon, woven on both sides, thick. The product is made of 100% polyester.
A product created for producers of luxury book calendars, notebooks, albums, book publications and liturgical book publications. Our ribbons are characterised by their very high quality. The ribbon has been intentionally created for printing purposes to be identical on both sides.
Availability: running out
Dispatched within: 3-5 dni